WEEK 4: FINAL TEACHING DEMO: Passed or Failed?

This week was the evaluation week. I did my final
teaching demo in Grade 8 Class G, I was observed by the school supervisor Dr.
Ebrahim Yusuf and a coordinator Miss Novi. Since we were given the chance to
choose our own topic, I chose “Physical Activity and it’s forms”. I taught the
kids the value of being physically fit because people often neglect the essence
of physical activity in our lives. I wanted them to realize that Physical
Education is not just a minor issue in us but it plays a major role in all the
aspects in our lives and has a major impact especially in our health. Without
these movements, we wouldn’t be able to perform our daily routine healthily. I
showed them pictures of obese people and in every slides I let them read the
English definition and its’ Indonesian translation. I also used the technologies available to implement 21st century teaching (speakers, lcd projector). The students participated
well and the lesson activated their prior knowledge because the topic was a
life issue. I let them performed a zumba dance using their famous pop song
entitled ”Lagi Syantik”. The kids were hyped when they heard the song. It’s
actually my favorite and it’s funny cause I already memorized it. Some teachers
would say I’m good in speaking Indonesian language.

Overall, my final demo was somehow fun yet knowledgeable.
I didn’t receive any bad comments or feedbacks during the evaluation but I know
I still have to improve my skills in some aspects. Anyways, things take time to
be perfect. I’m still learning and just getting ready for the future.
I know I did my best because I promised myself to give
all that I can because this is a once in a lifetime experience. At least I
didn’t get any disappointments. In a span of one month, I learned a lot of
things; from failures and bad experiences which turned into lessons. It was all
worth the hustle.
Technology I used |
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