SEA-Student Teacher REPORT


Home University:   St. Paul University Surigao, Surigao City, Philippines

Receiving School:   Universitas Pasundan, Bandung City, Indonesia

Blog Address: 

1.     School: General Information and Academic Administration

After observation, please write a report about school general information and its academic administration according to topics as follows:

1.1     School profile

Name of School                                  : SMP Pasundan 3 Bandung
Address                                               : Street                         : BapaHusen Blk. No. 4
                                                             Kel. / Kec.                  : Cipaganti/Coblong
                                                             District/City               : Bandung City          
                                                             No. Tlp/Fax.               : (022) 2033542
1.   Name of Institution          : Institution for Primary and Secondary Education Pasundan
 Address                                         : Jl. Sumatera No. 41 Tlp. (022)4208120 Bandung
2.      Name of the Principal             : Drs. Ajab Mustajab
Tel. No                                          : 082136533333
3.      Accreditation level                   : Accredited “A” (Very Good)
4.      Year established                        : 1 Agustus 1957
5.      Year of operation                       : 1 Agustus 1957
6.      Land ownership                         : Government
a.       Land status                          : HGB / HakPakai
b.      Surface area                          : 2492 m2
7.      Building status                           : Institution
a.       Building permit                    : No. 593.1/000036/22/II/06/06/Disrum/2007
b.      Area of the building                : 1.902,5 m2
8.      Student Data in the last 3 years    :
       School year
No. of registrants
    (Prospective new students)
Class VII
Class VIII
Class IX
      Class VII, VIII, IX
  No. of Students
    No. of groups
   No. of students
     No. of groups
 No. of students
     No. of groups
No. of students
No. of groups
173 org.
347 org.
336 org.

9.      Teacher and Employee Data         :
Number of Teacher  
    For Public middle schools
     For Private Junior high schools
       Permanent teacher (PNS/Institution)
-      org.
 2 org.

       Not permanent teacher (GTT)
-      org.
24 org.

       Civil service teacher
-      org.
10 org.

       Administrative staff
-      org.
11 org.

C  Pengkuh Agama Islamna (Berakhlakul kharimah)
C  Luhung Elmuna (Unggul dalam prestasi)
C  Jembar Budayana (Berwawasan lingkungan dan budaya)

Ø  Meningkatkan pengetahuan peserta didik
Ø  Mengembangkan diri sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
Ø  Mewujudkan sekolah sebagai Wawasan Wyatamandala dalam menjalankan hubungan yang harmonis dengan lingkungan baik ke dalam maupun ke luar
Ø  Mewujudkan tercapainya peningkatan mutu dan efisiensi pendidikan dan pengajaran
Ø  Mempertinggi keimanan dan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Ø  Membina akhlak budi pekerti luhur
Ø  Meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan, tata karma dan seni budaya
Ø  Mengembangkan silaturakhmi dengan segenap warga sekolah untuk terwujudnya hubungan kerja yang harmonis
Menggalakan dan menegakkan disiplin semua personalia yang terkait dengan penanaman budaya bersih, budaya tertib, budaya belajar, dan budaya kerja
Ø  Menciptakan lingkungan yang nyaman dan bersih



Peduli, Berbuat, Berkelanjutan (PBB) untuk menciptakan masyarakat sekolah yang memiliki jiwa pengabdian, dedikasi yang tinggi terhadap seolah, intelek dan professional dalam melaksanakan tugas.

1.      Menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang BERSERIA (bersih, sehat, rapih, asri)
2.      Terciptanya generasi yang berbudi luhur, taqwa, cerdas, terampil, berbudaya, dan cinta tanah air
3.      Terciptanya kinerja personal yang optimal
4.      Terciptanya sekolah sebagai pusat kebudayaan dan wawasan wyatamandala

1.    Efektivitas Proses Belajar Mengajar tinggi
§  Pemberdayan peserta didik
§  Peningkatan disiplin siswa
§  Tepat waktu dalam melaksanakan tugas
§  Tertib administrasi
§  Evaluasi terprogram dan terkontrol
§  Akuntabilitas kepada masyarakat
2.    Kepemimpinan Sekolah yang kuat
§  Mengembangkan pola kemitraan
§  Meningkatkan peran koordinasi dan menggerakkan sumber daya
§  Mampu mengambil inisiatip dan prakarsa
§  Kebijakan partisipatip dan akomodatip
§  Mendorong terwujudnya visi, misi, dan tujuan
3.    Pengelolaan efektif tenaga kependidikan
a.      Tenaga kependidikan merupakan jiwa dari sekolah
-      hubungan kerja yang serasi
-      evaluasi kerja secara berkesinambungan
-      imbal jasa sepadan dan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan
-      meningkatkan partisipasi
-      menumbuhkan rasa memiliki terhadap sekolah
-      menciptakan rasa aman dalam bekerja
-      menciptakan atmosfir keadilan
b.      Penugasan berdasarkan kemampuan dan tanggung jawab
c.       Mampu dan sanggup menjalankan tugas dengan baik
d.      Meningkatkan profesionalisme tenaga kependidikan
4.    Memiliki budaya mutu
·         Orientasi kerja pada tujuan
·         Perilaku kerja dilandasi oleh profesionalisme
·         Kreatif dan inovatif dalam bekerja
5.    Memiliki team work yang kompak, cerdas, dan dinamis
·         Kebersamaan merupakan karakteristik manajemen
·         Hasil kerja merupakan kolektip
·         Mengembangkan kerja sama antar fungsi
6.    Memiliki Kemandirian
·         Melakukan yang terbaik untuk sekolah
·         Bekerja tidak tergantung pimpinan
·         Mengembangkan kreatifitas
·         Pemanfaatan sumber daya secara efektip dan efisien
7.    Memiliki keterbukaan manajemen
·         Pengambilan keputusan akomdatip dan partisipatip
·         Adanya keterlibatan fihak lain sebagai alat kontrol
·         Pengawasan secara berkelanjutan
8.    Responsif dan aspiratif terhadap lingkungan
·         Bertumpu pada lingkungan
·         Responsip terhadap aspirasi
·         Membaca lingkungan dan menangani secara cepat dan tepat
·         Mampu menyesuaikan dengan perubahan dan tuntutan
·         Mampu mengantisipasi masa depan
9.    Keberlanjutan program sekolah
·         Jangka pendek
·         Jangka menengah
·         Jangka panjang
·         Skala prioritas
·         Target mutu
10.  Memiliki budaya mutu
·         Evaluasi terprogram dan berkesinambungan
·         Evaluasi harus memberi manfaat untuk perbaikan
·         Perbaikan terus menerus harus menjadi kebiasaan
·         Sistim mutu yang baku sebagai acuan harus dimiliki
Bandung,     Juli 2009
Kepala SMP Pasundan 3 Bandung


NIP. 196401121988031012

1.1     Academic support system
                       These are 

1.2     Teaching system
 The school year in the Indonesian state system is arranged into semesters  running from August to June, although the exact dates vary slightly according to the specific school preferences.
              The school day runs usually during the morning, from as early as 6.30am,                                through to the early afternoon. Students attend school five or six mornings a                     week, according to a timetable which is decided by the individual school.
1.3     Materials and other learning sources 
Lightly damaged
Heavily damaged


       Lab. IPA

       Computer Lab

1.4     Measurement and evaluation system

1.5     Curriculum
The 2013 curriculum (K-13) is a valid curriculum in the Indonesian Education System. This curriculum is a curriculum still applied by the government to replace the 2006 Curriculum (which is often referred to as the Education Unit Level Curriculum) which has been valid for approximately 6 years. 2013 curriculum entered the trial period in 2013 by making several schools into pilot schools.

1.6     Teaching plan (of your major) 

2.     Pedagogical Contents
2.1  Teaching methods
        In my observation in Sports class, the teacher applied a student-centered teaching model. The method that he used was Discovery/Inquiry-based learning wherein students’ knowledge was constructed from experience and process. Through sport field works, the students were able to learn by seeking ideas in order to perform and justify the specific outcome.

2.2 Learning materials and innovation
        During lectures, the teachers depend on textbooks in order for each student to have a guide. Since it was a physical education subject, the main materials always needed are; a wide space, balls, cones and nets.

2.3 Sources of learning and technology
        A conducive environment is one of the most important tool for the students to have a meaningful learning. In my observation, they have all the equipments needed and a comfortable learning environment too. They are also advanced in technology because they use speakers, and LCD projectors for powerpoint and for showing video clips during indoor lessons.

2.4 Authentic assessment
        The teacher i was observing to, uses a hollistic rubric which provides him an overall impression of students’ performance in Basketball rules.

3. Teaching Plan
After observation, please write a report about school teaching plan according to topics as follows:

3.1   Curriculum

3.2   Teaching plan related to your major

Below is the guide contents of the Indonesian traditional lesson plan which I got during our lesson plan training at SMA Negeri 4 Senior High School, Bandung.

I. Identity
  • Name of School
  • Grade&Semester
  • Subject
  • Material
  • Time allocation
II. Core competency
(all about behaviour and character building)

1-2. (Civics and religion)
3.4. (Subject)

III. Basic competency
(focuses on Cognitive and Psychomotor)

IV. Materials (Brief info of the lesson)
V. Method (Instructional strategy)
VI. Source / Media reference

VII. PROCEDURE (the teaching-learning process -> post activity)
VIII. Technique and Instrument of Assessment (ex. Essay, mutiple choices)
         - Rubric of Assessment 

This is a sample of a teaching plan bout Basketball in Indonesian format.
I somehow translated it to English.

4.     Observation on Teacher(s)

4.1  Planning for teaching
The teacher is always pepared physically and mentally before he starts his class. Making sure also that all the students are well-prepared too, he always asks everybody about their state of health and condition before starting the class.

4.2  Preparing lessons and materials
I know that the teacher is expert in his lesson because I can see how he handles the class. During practical lessons, he is always prepared with complete equipments and knowledge about the topic.

4.3  Teaching in class
The Teacher, Mr. Cece Suherlan is a well-respected teacher. The students follow his instructions just as he commands. During the discussion, every students are attentive and are always excited during the performane task. It is in his style of teaching why the students get hyped for it. He teaches each topic clear and one by one for the students to understand. He also disciplines his students very well.

4.4  Measurement and Evaluation
Mr. Cece uses a hollistic rubric for rating the students’ performance. He also has remedial performance which gives chances for students who needs to cope up with the average score. In his evaluation, he recaps and reviews all the topic that were being taught. He lets students volunteer and demonstrate in front about what they’ve learned throughout the meeting.

5.     Teaching Practice

5.1      Procedures of teaching
My usual procedures in teaching has no difference with the Indonesian teaching procedures. I started the class with a prayer, then a greeting, followed by attendance checking and then asking about the condition of the students. After the usual routine, I made the students energize by having them follow the dance that was flashed in the screen projector since my topic was about Physical activity. The students enjoyed and had fun. After motivation was the discussion, followed by asking questions, assessing their prior knowledge and so. After the discussion was an activity, then the students had their performance task and after that was a generalization of the topic, i recapped and reviewed them the earlier discussion, i also reminded them the important points of the lesson and the value of the topic. And i then ended the class.

5.2      Time management and organizing activities
The time allocation for my lesson was 2 meetings and 45 mins each meeting. What i did was, from the start of the meeting, up to the discussion and instruction of the activity, i used the whole 45 minutes. Then they had a snack break for about 15 minutes and on the next 45 minutes, i let them practice for about 10 minutes and had their performance task after. Then the remaining time was the conclusion of the lesson. I somehow managed to not exceed my time allocation. Just as how i planned it.

5.3      Problem-solving
The only problem I had was the language barrier/the communication with the students because they can’t really understand and speak English and there was no translator guiding me throughout my final teaching demo. What I did was, I practiced some Indonesian words like verbs and also questions in order for me to command them and ask questions easily. However, whenever they answer, they can only use one to two words and some can speak simple English sentence. In my PowerPoint presentation, I had the sentences written in English but I also put bahasa Indonesian translation below.

5.4      Classroom management
Whenever the students get excited, they became so noisy which is a bit difficult for me to silence them plus there are more or less 40 students in one class. My solution was that I asked their president of the class to tell them be quiet but sometimes, due to the uncontrollable chaos in the class, I invented a sign that whenever I clap my hands, it means to say “be quiet”.

6.     Summary and Suggestions

6.1  Purposes of practicum
The purpose of this practicum is to enhance the skills of the students in teaching especially in a different environment which activate their survival skills; To also learn how a different country teach and somehow exchange knowledge with the students and vice versa can help student teachers apply their experiences to the world of work in the future. To gain a new experience and to make new memories to a different culture and religion enables the student teachers to have a wider perspective and be adaptive and open to any changes.  Another purpose is to enhance their confidence level and level up their english proficiency, and social skills. And lastly, to produce globally competitive student teachers who will become well-prepared teachers that are ready to face the future with a multicultural perspective in mind.

6.2        Procedures of practicum
In joining this practicum, you must need to prepare your financial budget or expenses needed for a month, and the important papers, the passport, the ticket, your medications, your health and your confidence. Courage and strength are also needed in this one month practicum since you’ll be miles away from your family. You’ll be facing new people so you need to be sensitive of your actions and interactions towards them. The routine will be home to school and vice versa and some cultural visits. You need to cherish every moment experienced. In this practicum, first week will be the orientation and tours every weekends, second week will be your adjustments and you will now observe the class you were assigned to, take note every  detail of your school schedule. On the 3rd week, you will be a teacher assistant to your cooperating teacher. Then the teachers will teach you how to make their traditional lesson plan. On the last week of the practicum, you’ll be having your final teaching, then as the month slowly ends, you’ll be having cultural exchange with your co-student teachers and with the school, expect to have farewell parties and reflections about your one month experience in school.

6.3        Outcomes of practicum
·         Student teachers become more confident in teaching.
·         The experiences and the things they’ve learned throughout the practicum may be applied in their country.
·         Student teachers become more open and adaptive to changes in terms of cultural differences.
·         Student teachers gain a new perspective towards the world.
·         Student teachers become globally competitive and ready for the future.
·         Student teachers have leveled up their English proficiency.
·         Student teachers improve their social skills.

6.4        The challenges of practicum
One of the challenges I’ve experienced in this practicum was coping with the culture shock, the adjustments to the new environment, the cold weather, and most especially the communication. It was a challenge for me adjusting to the people who can’t understand English. Good thing I had my translation app but really not enough for me to understand them. Another challenge was that my cooperating teacher can’t speak English; he gave me a thick lesson plan for 3 meetings for me to use because he wants me to rule the class. The hard copy lesson plan was in pure Indonesian language, it’s also very thick for me to translate. What I did was I downloaded an app that transcribes all the words by just one capture and transfers from the paper to my phone and copy-pasted it to the translation app.

6.5  Overall impression
This practicum is very worth it. In one month, there were lots of lessons you can get from experiences, and challenges, it gains you new knowledge, self-improvement and a better perspective of the world.

6.6 Suggestions for future improvement
                    I just hope that this programme would maintain and give more students an opportunity to experience a new world.



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