Aug. 14 – LESSON PLAN MAKING On this day, I was still an assistant to Mr. Cece’s class because he hasn’t given me yet a topic to teach. After the class, he gave me his lesson plan. I need to continue his lesson, but I was a bit worried because his lesson plan was written in Indonesian language. To solve the problem, I downloaded an app called text scanner app and Indonesian-English translator app. The lesson plan was very thick because it was for 3 meetings. First, I took a photo of what’s written on the hardcopy using the text scanner app, then the text written on the hard copy immediately transferred to the phone as a soft copy, and so I directly copy-pasted it to the translator app and did a bit of corrections. I was able to create a lesson plan in English text following the Indonesian format. TEXT SCANNER APP OCR on Playstore INDONESIAN-ENGLISH TRANSLATOR APP ↭ SAMPLE LESSON PLAN in PE Basketball (I apologize for the low quality)